2 min read
Supporting Children Through Child-Inclusive Mediation: A Teacher's Guide

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the educational experience of children, and sometimes, they are called upon to extend their support beyond the classroom. In this blog, we will explore the ways in which teachers can assist a child in attending a Child-Inclusive Mediation session, focusing on addressing IT issues, offering emotional support, and providing helpful tips.

1. Setting Up and Supporting the Child with IT Issues: With the growing reliance on technology, many aspects of our lives have shifted online, including Child-Inclusive Mediation sessions. As a teacher, your role in ensuring a seamless virtual experience for the child is crucial. Here are some tips:

  • Test Technology in Advance: Familiarize yourself with the platform used for the mediation session. Test the audio, video, and internet connection to preemptively address any technical glitches.
  • Assist in Device Setup: If the child needs to use school equipment or is unfamiliar with the setup, offer guidance in configuring the device, logging in, and navigating the online environment.
  • Be On Standby: Be available to troubleshoot any unexpected technical issues that may arise during the session. This can help alleviate stress for both the child and the mediator.

2. Supporting Worries Before and After the Session: Child-Inclusive Mediation sessions often involve discussing sensitive family matters. It's essential for teachers to provide emotional support, both pre and post-session:

  • Pre-Session Reassurance: Address any concerns the child may have about participating in the mediation. Emphasize the confidential nature of the process and assure them that their feelings and opinions are valued.
  • The Child is not Making Decisions: Remind the child that the mediator wants to find out how they feel and will not be asking them to make decisions for their parents. 
  • Post-Session Debrief: After the mediation, check in with the child to see how they are feeling. Provide a safe space for them to express any emotions or thoughts that may have surfaced during the session.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Let the child know that you are available to talk if they have questions or need someone to confide in. Reinforce a sense of trust and openness.

3. Tips for Teachers: Here are some additional tips for teachers navigating Child-Inclusive Mediation sessions:

  • Stay Informed: Familiarize yourself with the basics of Child-Inclusive Mediation to better understand the process and its potential impact on the child.
  • Collaborate with Mediators: Establish open communication with the mediators involved. If you dont understand whats happening, ask the mediator. 
  • Maintain Neutrality: While offering emotional support, it's crucial to remain neutral in matters related to the mediation. Avoid taking sides and focus on providing a secure environment for the child.
  • Promote Self-Expression: Encourage the child to express themselves during the session. Reinforce the idea that their thoughts and feelings are valid and important.

Teachers can play a vital role in supporting children through Child-Inclusive Mediation sessions. By addressing IT issues, providing emotional support, and following these tips, educators can contribute to a positive and constructive experience for the child during a challenging time. Remember, your commitment to the well-being of your students extends beyond the classroom, making a lasting impact on their lives. 

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