Cambridge Family Mediation Service AGM and Annual Report

Cambridge Annual Report

In our latest AGM we assessed the agreement between the NFMS and CFMS to form The Family Mediation Trust, in addition to reflecting on the success of the Cambridge Family Mediation Service from the year ending December 2019.

The Cambridge Family Mediation Service achieved two consecutive years of economic growth, while it focused to improve the outcomes for those attending mediation. During the AGM, CEO Michael Mack expressed the noteworthy progress in 1st MIAMS converting to 2nd MIAMS, with the number increasing from 43% for the year ending December 2018, to 47% by the end of 2019.

Michael Mack also praised the success of the SPIP moving to online delivery, with more mediators delivering the programme. With two new mediators joined the service; Belinda Jones and Rebecca Sewell during the year the service is in a strong position to form The Family Mediation Trust. This move will additionally build the mediation team and give the service great strength to move forward.

2019 has seen the service reaching 50% of mediation cases converting to successful outcomes, a 6% increase from the year ending December 2018. In addition to the rise in successful mediation cases, the service has also seen an increase in the number of legal aid cases being supported. This has been generated by developing relationships with local support services such as the CAB in Cambridge and the ARU Law Clinic.

A substantial change in the formation of The Family Mediation Trust sees the Cambridge delivery centre moving from its home for the past two decades on Regent Street to the Advice Hub, 66 Devonshire Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 2BL. The new location will have improved mediation rooms and easier access for clients, while still being well located to the main train station.


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